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You are here: Sarnia Online : Classifieds : Guidelines




Free Ad Rules & Guidelines

To post a free ad, review these guidelines then follow the link at the bottom of the page.

By posting a free ad on our classifieds, you are agreeing to the following guidelines:

  1. Items over $15,000 are not to be posted.
  2. Businesses wishing to advertise, click here.
  3. Garage Sales are to be listed in the garage sales section.
  4. Do not post commercial advertising in the "free" section.
  5. You will get a better response to your ad if you include the price of the articles for sale.
  6. We ask that you not sell/look for animals of any kind via the classifieds.
  7. Do not post ads for guns, ammo or weapons.
  8. Do not post multiple copies of the message, either in the same day or within 7 days.  Do not delete and repost your ad.
  9. Do not use extra characters like *, &, #, !!!!, etc. to draw more attention to your ad. It will be deleted.
  10. No links to external sites are permitted in free ads.
  11. Messages from Sarnia-Lambton only. Do not post ads for items out of Sarnia-Lambton, either.
  12. Use your REAL name! If you do not use your real name, we will assume it is not a real ad.
  13. Rentals, sub-leases, etc., are not allowed.
  14. This is not a job board. Looking for employment or employees is a violation of the rules. (Bands are NOT excluded - they are paid entities and thus are considered jobs!)
  15. Grey market and illegal items are prohibited from the classifieds. Such items include Sony Playstation MOD chips, DirectTV, H Cards, HU Cards, cable descramblers, satellite descramblers, multi-level marketing, pyramid schemes, PIRATED SOFTWARE, etc. Most of these items are generally sold as a business and for that reason alone, are not welcome on the classifieds.
  16. Abusers will lose privileges to post.
  17. People avoiding "bans" will result in their complete domain being blocked.
  18. Remember your username and password so you can remove your items from the list or so that you may mark them sold.
  19. We reserve the right to remove and/or reject any ads.

You are able to delete your own ads and/or mark them as sold. If you forget your password and would like your ad deleted, please complete the Comments form and we'll remove the ad for you.

Note: As with many on-line sales/classified sites, you may receive email from someone wishing to purchase your items using a cashiers cheque for more than you are selling the item for. These requests are nothing more than a SCAM. The cheques are, generally, false or altered cheques that will not clear. If you wish to report such activity, visit RECOL or PhoneBusters. In recent weeks, users have also reported receiving death threats. These, too, are hoaxes.

I agree to the above rules (and have read the warning about fraudulent cheques).

If, after following the above link, you are returned to this page. You are using a proxy/firewall application that is not providing legitimate information to our server. Norton Personal Firewall and ZoneAlarm are known to block you from posting with certain configuration. Disable this application and then refresh this page and retry.

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