function dpfproc(){ var obj=e('awayMessage');'block'; obj.innerHTML='Processing...' } function dformproc(){ var obj=e('MyForm');'none'; var obj=e('awayMessage');'block'; obj.innerHTML='Processing...' } function dformprocOpt(){ var obj=e('optForm');'none'; var obj=e('awayMessage');'block'; obj.innerHTML='Processing...' } function dformdis(){ var obj=e('MyForm'); obj.disabled=true; var obj=e('LanguageF'); obj.disabled=true; var obj=e('Suggestions'); obj.disabled=true; } function dform(){ setTimeout('dformproc()',1500) setTimeout('dformdis()',5) } function dformOpt(){ setTimeout('dformprocOpt()',1500) } function e(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } function oe(id) { return window.opener.document.getElementById(id); } function IsNumeric(strString) { var strValidChars = "0123456789"; var strChar; var blnResult = false; if (strString.length == 0){ return false;} for (i = 0; i < strValidChars.length ; i++) { strChar = strValidChars.charAt(i); if ( strString.indexOf(strChar) == 0) { blnResult = true; } } return blnResult; } function of(id) { var strMyObj; id=id.substring(7,500); var arrstr=id.split('.'); var i; strMyObj=window.opener; if(document.frames){ for(i=0;i0){ for (i in arrFields) { statePostBackObj(arrFields[i]); if (callbackstr+''!=''){callbackstr+=','} callbackstr+=arrFields[i] }} if (window.opener){ if (window.opener.ASPSpellDone){ window.opener.ASPSpellDone(callbackstr) } } PBEnd(); } function doClose() { window.close(); } var objStates = new Array(); function en(id, flag) { if (!flag) { objStates[id] = e(id).disabled; e(id).disabled = true; } else { e(id).disabled = objStates[id]; } } function show(id, flag) { var d if (flag) { d = "block"; } else { d = "none"; } e(id).style.display = d; } function showEdit(flag) { if (G_editing==flag){return true;} G_editing=flag; if (flag) { e('TextInput').value = e('TextInputCache').value; } else { e('TextInput').value = ""; } e('strBlockChange').value = ''; show("TextShow", !flag); show("bUE", flag); en("bIG", !flag); en("bIA", !flag); en("bAD", !flag); en("bCA", !flag); en("bAC", !flag); en("bUN", !flag); en("bOP", !flag); en("Suggestions", !flag); if (flag) { objStates['bCH'] = e('bCH').disabled; e('bCH').disabled = false; e('TextInput').focus(); } else { e('bCH').disabled = objStates['bCH']; } } function manageTextInputBtns() { var strInput = e('TextInput').value; var strInit = e('TextInputCache').value; var good = false if (strInput != strInit) { if (strInput.indexOf(strLeft) == 0) { if (strInput.lastIndexOf(strRight) == (strInput.length - strRight.length)) { good = true; } } } var arrBtns = new Array("bCA", "bAC") for (i in arrBtns) { e(arrBtns[i]).disabled = !good; } if (good) { e('strBlockChange').value = strInput.substr(strLeft.length, (strInput.length - strLeft.length - strRight.length)); } else { e('strBlockChange').value = '' } } function LanguageChange() { e('strLanguages').value = e('LanguageF').options[e('LanguageF').selectedIndex].value; e('MyForm').submit(); } function GrammarChange() { e('binCheckGrammar').value = e('CheckGrammarF').checked; e('binCheckGrammarChanged').value = 'TRUE'; e('MyForm').submit(); } function DblClickChange() { e("ChangeJS").value = "True"; e('MyForm').submit(); } function doCancel() { dform(); e("wasCanceled").value = "True"; e("allDone").value = "True"; e('MyForm').submit(); } function PageSetup() { var undefined=null; window.focus(); if (e("allDone") == undefined) { return true; } if (e("allDone").value == "True") { e('MyForm').submit(); } } function backToMain() { document.getElementById('optForm').submit(); } function stateResetDict() { if (confirm('Are you sure you wish to clear your personal dictionary?')) {'/ASPSpellCheck/ASPSpellCheck.asp?ResetDict=true', 'ifr', '') } } function stateResetAutoCor() { if (confirm('Are you sure you wish to clear your personal Auto Corrections?')) {'/ASPSpellCheck/ASPSpellCheck.asp?ResetAutoCor=true', 'ifr', '') } }